Over the past couple of years, many people have started to come down with a case of cabin fever. There's something so energizing about the open road, and more folks are chasing the feeling by downsizing their lives, modifying vans, and seeing the world in a new way. Social media accounts tend to highlight the pros of this burgeoning way of life, but anyone considering hopping on the van wagon should make sure they understand the challenges they'll face. This well-balanced list of pros and cons will help adventurers decide if van travel is the right choice.

10 You'll Probably Save Some Money

Van travel is not without its expenses. There are things like gas, repairs, parking permits, tolls, and insurance to consider. However, adding all of those things together still pales in comparison to the cost of renting an apartment in this day and age. One of the best things about van travel is that nine times out of ten, people will save money during their journey, especially if they've taken the time to properly plan before getting behind the wheel.

9 You'll See More Of The World

The daily grind comes with its own benefits, but one of the hardest parts of being stuck in a routine is also feeling like you're trapped by your surroundings. Van travel allows wanderers to change their scenery regularly. Snowcapped mountains one week can become glowing orange hoodoos the next. When one follows the lifestyle of "home is where you park it," seeing the world is a part of the experience.

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8 You'll Meet Like-Minded People

More and more people are turning to van travel as a way of life, which means there are plenty of opportunities to meet like-minded folks, even if a person is driving solo. Online forums connect van-lifers to each other so they can easily share tips and tricks. These forums also put together meet-ups so everyone can come together face to face and form lasting friendships built on shared interests.

7 You'll Learn To Appreciate What You Have

For a majority of people, moving life into a vehicle requires a lot of downsizing. People have to give up many of the material objects used to fill up their living spaces and take only what will fit. When there's less stuff around to cloud one's vision, it becomes easier to see everything a person has that makes life worth living. Simple things often overlooked become sources of immense gratitude.

6 You'll Feel Liberated

One of the most-mentioned pros of van travel is the feeling of liberation. There are no cubicles to feel trapped in, no leases to feel bound by, and no excuses to keep travelers from doing what they want to do when they want to do it. People are the bosses of their own destinies, and while the thought of such responsibility can be scary, most walk away from the experience feeling stronger and more independent than ever.

5 You Love Privacy And Personal Space

While downsizing can be a liberating experience, there is no amount of giving up that can expand the borders of a van. It's a small space that offers little privacy if a person is journeying alongside a partner. When inside the van, someone will always be able to hear what's being said, the sounds a body makes, and so on. If the thought of this reality causes discomfort, van travel might not be the right option.

4 You'll Probably Have Some Boring Days

As with many things, social media makes van life look like a 24/7 good time. Highlight reels have never and will never reflect reality. There will be boring days. These boring days are fulfilling in their own way and will likely not deter those who are prepared for them. However, if someone goes into life on the road expecting nonstop good times, they will find themselves sorely disappointed.

3 The Weather Isn't Always On Your Side

One of the perks of a house on wheels is the ability to move it whenever inclined. However, there isn't a single place in the entire world with perfect weather every day of the year. Blizzards, thunderstorms, and extreme heat or cold are not probable, but definite. This means there will be times when the van is at an uncomfortable temperature or booming with the sounds of raindrops hitting the metal roof. While learning to deal with the environment can be a rewarding task, those who are unprepared could end up in some sticky situations.

2 Things Can Get Messy, Fast

Van lifers have to contend with a lot of mess during their travels. Beach stops mean sand in every crevice. Rain and dirt make mud, which sticks to the soles of shoes. Pets along for the ride continuously shed. Constantly getting in and out of the vehicle means an ever-present flow of the dust of life. On top of that, food crumbs attract bugs, and everyone knows how eating on the road can get a little messy sometimes. Van travel might not be the right choice for people who are obsessed with cleanliness.

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1 Constant Driving Means Constant Repairs

Those traveling by van are using their vehicles more than the average Joe. Putting a lot of miles on a van in a short amount of time will lead to more frequent repairs. Most vans have also been specially modified to support life for extended periods of time. When these modifications break down, the expenses can add up quickly. Though one is still more likely than not to save money during their travels, if spending extra time or money at the shop doesn't sound appealing, it might be better to leave the accommodations up to a hotel.

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