There are many myths and legends about pirates (who also had their own sailor's myths). The pirates didn't bury their treasure, walk the plank, nor did they necessarily have a ridiculous amount of bodily injuries. But it seems they did have a republic. The Republic of the Pirates was a base or stronghold in what is now the Bahamas.

For around 11 years from 1706 to 1718, the pirates established a loose confederacy in Nassau on New Providence island in the Bahamas whose beaches are tourist magnets today. It was run by privateers-turned pirates and functioned as their base or stronghold.

The History Of The Republic of The Pirates

The Republic of Pirates was founded by former privateers and Pirates of the Flying Gang. The period of the republic was during the post-Spanish succession period during the Golden Age of Piracy. Many of these pirates had worked as privateers for the British and had served in the Royal Navy. But when Britain signed a peace with the Spanish they were left out of a job. As the says:

"Many of these sailors were relieved of duty and left unemployed in the trade-rich Caribbean. This left a large number of skilled and enthusiastic sailors as a labor pool for the pirates to draw recruits from."

They were able to set up a republic in the Bahamas because there were barely any inhabitants and the European powers were constantly at war with each other. The area had been home to pirates since at least 1696.

  • Existed: From 1706 to 1718

It was established by Benjamin Hornigold and Henry Jennings who took it upon themselves to declare themselves the first governors of the island. Benjamin Hornigold was the mentor to one Edward Teach - it was he who went on to become the infamous Blackbeard.

  • Founders: Benjamin Hornigold and Henry Jennings

Blackbeard was even eventually elected to run the Republic of Pirates and he took the title of 'Magistrate'.

One of the myths about pirates is that they had their own "pirate accent". It comes from the old movies - Treasure Island and Blackbeard the Pirate where the lead actor put on an exaggerated Cornish accent for his Blackbeard character.

Related: Treasure Island Gave Pirates Their Iconic English Accents, And You Can Visit England And Hear It For Yourself

Success Of The Pirate Republic

The Flying Gang was able to be successful despite its many internal conflicts and rivalries. It was soon attracting thousands of people to the new pirate haven. People who came included pirates, merchants, prostitutes, and others.

  • Population: There Were Over 1,000 Pirates In Nassau (Vastly More Than the Number of Inhabitants of The Town)

The main source of wealth actually came from savaging. In 1715 the Spanish Treasure Fleet was wrecked off the coast of present-day Vero Beach, Florida by a hurricane.

The fleet was carrying silver from Cuba to Spain. Even today some of the artifacts (including coins) wash up on the beach in Flordia from time to time. While the Spanish tried to salvage what they could, the pirates were some of the first to get to the wreck site. Henry Jennings would also attack salvage ships and claim their salvages.

The locations of Tortuga and Port Royal in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean were also real.

  • Tortuga: An Island Off The Coast of Hispaniola And One of The Earliest havens For Pirates In The 17th Century And Plundered The Spanish Main
  • Port Royal: Located On The Mouth of Kingston Harbor In British Jamaica, It Was A Famous Pirate Haven During The Buccaneering Era

At the start, the Flying Gang never attacked any British merchant ships but that changed as the Post-Spanish Succession Period came to an end. At their height, the Royal Navy was often outgunned by the pirates and the pirates were paramount over the West Indies until 1718.

The code of laws of the Republic of the Pirates was similar to the Pirate Code. This was a system where the loot was shared and captains and leaders could be deposed by popular vote.

  • Law: Similar to The Pirate Code

Related: The Only Real Pirate Ship (And Treasure) Sunk Off The Coast Of Massachusetts

End of The Republic

Of course, a republic based on piracy is only going to last for a while until it is overrun by much stronger professional navies. But during their time they caused havoc with trade and shipping in the West Indies.

But their day of reckoning came in 1718 when the newly-appointed Royal Governor of the Bahama Islands Woodes Rogers reached Nassau in 1718. He defeated the pirates, ended the Republic of Pirates, and restored British control.

  • Ended: In 1718
  • King's Pardon: Offered To The Pirates Of The Republic

Interestingly, Rogers was a former privateer himself and he offered the "King's Pardon" showing clemency. Many choose to accept the pardon.

Next: Sunken Treasure: Battle For San Jose's "Holy Grail Of Shipwrecks"