Whether travelers decide to visit Japan or Thailand, one thing can be certain—they will enjoy the food! These nations have a variety of dishes to satiate any hungry foodie, providing dishes that range from delicate, spicy, sweet, salty, sour, and umami. With the use of seafood, quality protein, seasonal produce, and fresh ingredients, both cuisines will be a culinary experience for tourists. Before your next visit to Asia, discover the unique differences between traditional Thai and Japanese cuisine!

9 Japan’s National Dish is Curry, While Thailand’s National Dish Is Pad Thai

Japan’s national dish—curry rice—is popular among Japanese citizens, and has gained recognition around the world. This savory dish was introduced to the country by the British over 150 years ago. In the late 18th century, the word kāre was introduced to the Japanese language to define the term curry, and since then, has been incorporated into the daily diet of many Japanese households.

On the other hand, Thailand’s national dish—pad thai—has been taking Western restaurants by storm. This savory noodle dish was invented in 1938 by Plaek Phibunsongkhram, Thailand’s Prime Minister at that time. He encouraged citizens to eat more rice noodles after Thailand suffered rice shortages from World War II and floods (some also argue that he pushed for citizens to eat more noodles as a way to unite the country). Regardless of how it came to be, pad thai’s iconic stir-fried noodles have been a symbol of the nation’s flavourful cuisine.

8 Thai Food Is Prepared By 4 Specific Methods Of Cooking

Thai cuisine can be prepared using 4 specific cooking methods, which are:

  1. Tom (boiling)
  2. Yam (spicy salad preparation using vegetables, protein, and tangy sauces)
  3. Kaeng (curry dishes using local herbs, water, or coconut milk)
  4. Tam (creating dishes by pounding ingredients together using a mortar).

With these cooking methods, iconic Thai food can be created which is sweet, salty sour, bitter, and spicy. On the other hand, Japanese cuisine is often prepared through methods such as grilling, pan-frying, pickling, stewing, steaming, deep-frying, and raw preparation. The cuisine is meant to resemble bitter, sour, sweet, salty, hot, and delicate flavors, while being organized into 5 distinct color groups, including black (or purple), red, yellow, white, and green.

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7 Thai Food is Heavily influenced by India, Malaysia, and Indonesian Cuisines, As Well As Some European And Western Influences

Thai cuisine was largely inspired by its neighboring countries of India, Malaysia, and Indonesia. For example, the curry was introduced to Thai cuisine through Indian influences. Additionally, items such as sweet meat and desserts were influenced by European (and Western) cuisines. During the time of the Columbian Change, Thai food was influenced by the introduction of products from the West, including tomatoes, papaya, corn, pineapples, and peanuts. You can find these vibrant ingredients in a variety of traditional dishes, from pad thai to phat thai kung.

6 A Variation Of Thai Food—Known As Royal Cuisine—Was Inspired By Royalty

In addition to the 5 regional cuisines of Thailand—from Bangkok to Southern Thailand—Thai royal cuisine was a product of food served in the Ayutthaya Kingdom which was between 1351 to 1767. During this period, Marie Guimar introduced egg yolks into the royal menu, specifically into the desserts. Mixing the golden yolks with sugar, coconut, and rice flour, royal desserts in the form of thong yip (sweet egg yolk cup), foy thong (golden egg yolk threads), and thong yot (golden egg yolk drops) were created.

5 At Many Thai Restaurants, They Offer A Melange Of Condiments

In many restaurants, patrons enjoying traditional Thai fare can also enjoy many condiments to complement these dishes, ranging from tangy dips to savory sauces. Some examples of popular condiments include:

  1. Pad Thai Sauce (to accompany pad thai noodles)
  2. Cucumber Relish (a refreshing condiment that goes well with satays or kaeng kari gai—or yellow curry chicken)
  3. Nam pla prik (a combination of fish sauce, lime juice, chilies, and garlic)
  4. Prig Nam Som (garlic chili sauce which is sour and spicy!)

4 Japanese Meals Are Traditionally Based On A “One Soup, Three Sides” Arrangement

Also known as ichijū-sansai—or one soup, three sides—this concept is still incorporated into Japanese cuisine today. A staple of white rice, accompanied by side or main dishes, such as miso soup or pickles defines a traditional Japanese meal. Traditional Japanese cuisine can be referred to as “Washoku”, which involves the preparation of rice with simple side dishes that uses seasonal ingredients.

3 Japanese Food Incorporates Items Like Miso, Soy sauce, And Umeboshi

Traditional Japanese cuisine uses ingredients such as miso (fermented soybeans), soy sauce, umbeboshi (Japanese pickled plum), rice, seaweed, dashi, sake, mirin, natto beans, and tofu. Red meat, animal fat, sugar, and dairy products are used sparingly. Together with the incorporation of seafood and seasonal produce, Japanese produce is considered heart-healthy and packed with antioxidants, alongside other benefits including promotion of a healthy weight and digestive aid.

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2 Japanese Traditional Cuisine Is Largely Influenced By Religion

Traditional Japanese cuisine was largely influenced by the two major religions in Japan: Buddhism and Shintoism. For example, sushi was created around 700 AD due to the banning of meat consumption during that time. More modern Japanese dishes were influenced by various cultures, including China and Western nations. Produce such as corn and potatoes were introduced into the nation’s menu while cooking methods such as batter frying were adopted (thanks to Portuguese influence).

1 There Are Curry Dishes In Both Japanese And Thai Cuisine, But They Are Both Unique

If you’ve ever had Japanese and Thai curry, you can agree: they are highly delicious and totally unique to one another! Japanese curry is typically a stew-like gravy that consists of carrots, onions, potatoes, and other seasonings such as curry powder, which is accompanied by a nice fried meat cutlet or egg. This curry can also be used to fill soft bread, which can be breaded and deep-fried to create karē pan—a delicious bread with a curry tang! Meanwhile, Thai curry’s vibrant color and rich tang are typically due to the use of coconut milk, water, shrimp paste, chilies, and fresh herbs such as lemongrass, kaffir leaves, galangal, and coriander.

In these curries, a melange of spices—from cumin to peppercorn—can be added to the pastes for diverse flavors. A wide assortment of meat, seafood (especially shellfish), and vegetables such as bamboo shoots, can be mixed with these pastes and can be served with rice or with noodles. Thai curry has beautiful, vibrant colors, which can be red, green, yellow, or orange!

NEXT: Tips Every Backpacker Going To Asia Needs To Remember