When it comes to Southwest Airlines, even the passengers have some rules to follow. Furthermore, there are some tips that one must remember if they want to pick the best seat on a Southwest Airlines flight.

In addition, there are a lot of rules that usually come with being a flight attendant. But it gets even more tricky when one thinks about the specific rules that some airlines make them follow, considering that those things can differ with each airline.

There are a lot of people who are curious about the lives of pilots and flight attendants, especially when it comes to the ones that work for Southwest Airlines. The flight attendants there work very hard. Here are the rules that they have to follow.

12 They Have To Be Okay With Trying Out Uniforms That Can Cause Rashes

Flight attendants who work with Southwest Airlines need to be okay with the fact that their uniforms might cause a very unfortunate thing to happen to them. They might actually develop a rash from the chemicals that can be found in their uniforms, according to inquirer.com. That is really terrible.

11 Flight Attendants Need To Be Aware Of The Fact That They Might Not Get Much Privacy At Work

There are plenty of things flight attendants usually don't like about their job, such as the fact that passengers have habits that they do not like. But that's not all. They also have to worry about other employees live-streaming videos from airplane bathrooms. According to nypost.com, that actually did happen.

10 Flight Attendants Who Work For Them Need To Have A Sense Of Humor

Having a sense of humor is always great. It can make pretty much anything better, which is awesome. The flight attendants who work for Southwest Airlines tend to tell people jokes. Some passengers really like it, while others are not the biggest fans of it. They're funny, according to reddit.com.

9 Southwest Encourages Their Flight Attendants To Be Themselves When They Are On The Clock

It is very important to be professional when one is at work, but it is also really important for people to be themselves, and Southwest Airlines knows that. That is why they want their flight attendants to be themselves while they are working, according to reddit.com, and that is nice.

8 They Aren't Required To Do Much About Crying Kids, But They Might Comfort Them

There are a lot of really interesting stories out there about upset kids and adults on airlines, as well as photos of flight attendants trying to calm them down. Flight attendants are generally very nice people who are natural caregivers. They are not required to comfort anyone, according to quora.com.

7 They Can't Be Any Shorter Than 5'2" Tall

The rules for becoming a flight attendant vary between companies, but overall, they stay the same. But the rules on height do differ a bit. Those who wish to become flight attendants for Southwest Airlines need to be no shorter than 5'2," according to cheatsheet.com. They can't be over 6'1."

6 Southwest Flight Attendants Can't Sit Until They Are On A Break

According to thesun.co.uk, flight attendants pretty much look flawless all the time, even after they have been on really long flights. But that is really amazing when one considers the fact that they are unable to sit down at all while they are working. They are always on their feet.

RELATED: According To Flight Attendants: Here's What It's Like To Work For Southwest Airlines

5 They Have To Be Okay With Traveling To Any Place Where This Airline Operates

According to flightattendanttraininghq.com, the people who want to work for this airline need to be able to travel wherever Southwest Airlines operates. This might not sound like a big deal, but it really is. This is something that is required. One won't get the job if they can't do this.

4 They Aren't Allowed To Sleep When They Are On Flights, But There Are Exceptions

In most cases, flight attendants are not allowed to sleep during flights that they are working on. But according to rd.com, there are some exceptions to this rule. They can sleep a bit during international flights, and they can also sleep when they are on flights that are really long.

RELATED: 15 Tales Of Obnoxious Passengers (As Told By These Real Flight Attendants)

3 They Are Not Allowed To Talk Loudly

When flight attendants are in the cabin of an airplane, they have to be really quiet, according to rd.com. That might sound really harsh, but it is not. Anyone who has been in an airplane likely knows that sounds tend to carry there, and even whispers seem a bit loud.

2 They Should Be Aware That Having Musical Talent Definitely Does Not Hurt

Being able to sing or rap is obviously not a requirement when it comes to being a flight attendant for Southwest Airlines, but it does not hurt. According to southwestaircommunity.com, there is a flight attendant who raps to the people who choose to fly with this airline, and he's talented.

RELATED: Here’s What Flight Attendants Are Too Polite To Say To Passengers

1 Southwest Airlines Flight Attendants Need To Be Cool With Having Uncomfortable Relationships With Management

Bad or strange relationships between co-workers is never a good thing no matter what company it is happening with. According to indeed.com, there are some flight attendants who claim that the company's management team is a bit too close to some of the other employees that work with this airline.

NEXT: According to Airline Passengers: 10 Things They Wish Flight Attendants Would Do