Traveling to an island sounds like the ultimate getaway with pristine white sand beaches, crystal clear waters and a sun that never stops shining. But while most islands around the world are safe to travel to, there are still quite a few that are deemed dangerous and pose a threat to anyone's life.

There are islands across the globe that are extremely troubling for travelers. Then there are the islands that are home to indigenous tribes of people that have rejected any contact of the outside world and will harm anyone they deem threatening. North Sentinel Island is home to the Sentinelese people, one of a few remaining people on Earth that are untouched by modern civilization.

Here are 20 islands around the world that are just plain dangerous and should be avoided by travelers at all costs.

20 Residents of the Izu Islands of Japan Were Evacuated Because Of High Levels Of Gas

There are poisonous gases lingering in the air on Izu Island that are so strong, residents must wear gas masks. According to My Travel Islands, these gases seep up through the ground and when levels are high, a siren sounds letting everyone know that they must put on their gas mask.

19 Saba Island In The Netherlands Has Been Hit By More Major Storms Than Any Place On Earth

Mother Nature is not a fan of Saba Island, which has been impacted by more severe storms in the last 150 years than any other place on the planet, writes My Travel Islands. There have been at least seven category five hurricanes and ten category three hurricanes.

18 Gruinard Island In Scotland Dubbed "Anthrax Island"

In 1942, British scientists took 50 sheep to this island and dropped an anthrax bomb to see if the disease was deadly. No more than two weeks later, all of the sheep had died. Unfortunately, the island was also contaminated and people were banned from traveling to Gruinard Island for 50 years, reports My Travel Islands.

17 Burma's Ramree Island Is Home To Thousands Of Saltwater Crocodiles

A saltwater crocodile can weight up to 2,000 pounds and easily kill a person. Ramree Island is home to thousands of these crocodiles and while they are not deadly, they are known to attack people who enter their territory. But according to The Active Times, travelers can also find poisonous scorpions just about everywhere.

16 Ilha Da Queimada (Snake Island) Is Home To The Most Venomous Snakes In The World

Ilha da Queimada (Snake Island) is one of the most dangerous islands on earth because of the thousands of venomous snakes, including the Golden Lancehead Viper, that dominate the area. According to The Active Times, the area is so risky the Brazilian Navy has banned all humans from the island.

15 Indigenous People Of The North Sentinel Island Are Known To Harm Visitors

North Sentinel Island is home to a group of indigenous people known as the Sentinelese who are known to attack any stranger that approaches the island. According to The Active Times, these indigenous people have rejected any contact with the outside world and are one of the few remaining people untouched by modern civilization.

14 Thousands Of Containers Of Radioactive Waste Were Dumped Near Farallon Islands

The Farallon Islands are located near San Francisco, California and are off-limits to people because of the 47,500 55-gallon drums of nuclear waste dumped onto the ocean floor. The government has no idea where these drums are located exactly and don't even want to bother locating them, reports My Travel Islands.

13 Comoros Is Infected With Malaria-Carrying Mosquitoes

Not many people visit the islands of Comoros and for good reason. The Active Times reports that the islands are infected with malaria-carrying mosquitoes and the water is potentially contaminated. People on the island are urged to boil all water and milk because it is unpasteurized.

12 Marshall Islands' Bikini Atoll Was Once A Nuclear Weapon Testing Site

Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands was once a nuclear weapon testing site between 1946 and 1958. Even though people returned in the late '80s, food and plants are still said to be contaminated and eating any local produce is highly discouraged, reports The Active Times.

11 Boreray, St. Kilda Hasn't Had Resident's Since The 1930s

This spooky-looking island hasn't seen residents for quite some time because of the difficulties they may face trying to sustain themselves and produce food. The coastline is filled with large cliffs and it is very rocky making it hard for anyone to secure a boat, reports My Travel Islands.

10 Enewetak Atoll Is Estimated To Be Safe For Humans By 2027

Enewetak Atoll is a coral island not fit for human life because of the 43 nuclear active tests the United States conducted between 1948 and 1958 in a huge dome structure pictured above. According to The Active Times, due to the high contamination and radioactivity, no human can live on the island. However, it's reported to be safe by 2027.

9 Reunion Island Is Known For The Most Shark Attacks In The World

Reunion Island is known for its diverse landscape, with a volcanic, rainforest interior and stunning beaches and coral reefs. According to The Active Times, while the island is a dream vacation, the government has warned travelers about shark attacks, with 16 percent of the world's fatal attacks from 2011 to 2016 having happened there.

8 Isola La Gaiola, Italy Has A Dark Past

Isola La Gaiola is comprised of two small islands connected by a bridge and seems like a perfect place for a getaway. According to Blogroom, this picturesque island in Italy is supposedly cursed since many people with great wealth who once lived here but passed away unexpectedly or failed in their businesses.

7 The Papua New Guinea Jungle Is Home To The Korowai Tribe

The Korowai Tribe lives in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Many of the Korowai people believe outsiders posed a threat and will use bow and arrows to attack intruders from rival clans and foreigners. Because they live in 140-foot tree houses, it's also difficult for travelers to spot the Korowai.

6 Bouvet In Antarctica Is The Most Remote Island In The World

Bouvet lies 1,000 miles north of Antarctica's mainland with over 93 percent of the 119-square-mile island covered by a glacier all year long. It's considered to be the most remote island on the planet with only six Norwegian Weather Service workers staying for short periods.

5 Locals Advise Travelers To Avoid Alarming Spots In Jamaica

Millions of tourists travel to Jamaica each year, but most of these travelers stay put at all-inclusive resorts, and for good reason. Crime in Jamaica is extremely high with areas in Kingston, including Mountain View, Trench Town, Tivoli and several areas in Montego Bay are considered all high-threat areas.

4 Governments Recommend Islands On The Mergui Archipelago Should Be Avoided

The Mergui Archipelago is located between Burma and Thailand and consists of around 800 small islands. Both governments of Burma and Thailand have warned travelers about the dangers of some of these particular islands because they are inhabited by the Moken Tribe. The Moken people are known to shoot arrows at anyone they do not recognize.

3 Poveglia Island In Italy Is One Of The Most Creepiest Places On The Planet

Poveglia Island in Italy is known for its paranormal activity that keeps travelers away. Located between Lido and Venice in Northern Italy, it is one of the creepiest islands in the world and contains plague pits or graves of the thousands of people who lost their lives when the Black Death spread in the nation.

2 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is The Largest Accumulation Of Ocean Plastic

The largest accumulation of garbage and marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is not only hurting thousands of sea creatures but is very disturbing. The amount of garbage and plastic in the area is equivalent to an area twice the size of Texas.

1 Poisonous And Deadly Creatures Are Scattered Along Australia

Australia is home to a number of venomous and poisonous animals. The island has more venomous snakes than any other nation and sharks pose a risk to surfers. There are also deadly spiders, tons of saltwater crocodiles, and in the ocean, divers may come close to a southern blue-lined octopus that carries toxic venom.