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Everyone knows that the Great Pyramids of Egypt are an impressive feat of construction, and the mystery of how they were built is hotly debated, but what is still less known is why they were built in the particular way that they were. There is an enormous list of specificities that undergird these ancient and mysterious structures, from the angles of the outer edges to the odd locations of the inner chambers. For insight into the mystical beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, follow the clues they left behind in the form of the pyramids and take a glimpse at the technology of eternal life. In this article, the hidden meaning behind the pyramids will be explored, which will hopefully shed some light on the possible next steps required for uncovering their forgotten secrets.

The Emerald Tablet Of Thoth

The basic epistemology, or approach to knowledge, of the ancient Egyptians, is codified in the Emerald Tablet of Thoth, which is an ancient stone slab containing the rules of the cosmos as told by Thoth, the messenger God of divine knowledge. The Emerald Tablet is important to understanding the beliefs and behaviors of the Egyptians, as it contains simple axioms that had, and continue to have immense consequences. For example, the Tablet states, rather succinctly, "As above, so below," which in other words means that all nature, whether abstract or material, is modeled after higher principles from "above". No one knows when the Tablet was written or how these axioms were derived, but the fact is that the Tablet formed the fundamental basis of the entirety of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

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The Cosmology Of The Ancient Egyptians

The ancient Egyptians were pagan and operated under the direction of the Emerald Tablet, which means that they derived divine meaning from nature. They believed that the natural world was full of messages from the creator, which to them meant that instances of perfect symmetry in nature had to have special meaning and ought to be read into. In this way, naturally observable phenomena became the inspiration for social organization, spiritual orientation, and architecture. The pyramidal shape was one such concept that they observed in nature and applied to their own society, which, to their credit, unlocked immense wealth and development.

The pyramid was a symbol of the accumulation of energy to a single nadir -- the tendency toward the singularity. It represents the primordial mound out of which all life is created from base minerals to complex life. Much like it required numerous slaves at the base of society to free the minority of elites from penury, allowing them to focus their attentions on existential matters, the pyramidal structure could be adapted to matters of the soul as well. Applied to architecture, the soul would travel from the base of the pyramid, which represents the material realm, to the tip, where it is stripped down to its pure essence and concentrated. From that point, it can transcend the cycles of life and death that chain the soul to the world.

How The Pyramids Were Built

Well before the Great Pyramid of Giza was built, several generations of Pharaohs had made unsuccessful attempts to crack the mathematical, geometric, and astronomical code required to build a pyramid at scale. The Red Pyramid is considered to be the first successfully built pyramid in Egypt, though it had one imperfection due to a possible miscalculation. Archeologists found that the Red Pyramid, along with all the major Pyramids that were built after, is perfectly aligned with the North-South and East-West lines. How did the ancient Egyptians figure out these perfect astronomical phenomena? And the more pressing question is why they bothered to build it in accordance with such abstract concepts?

Related: What's Inside Pyramid of Menkaure, The Smallest Giza Pyramid?

The Harmony Of Light And Dark

Since knowledge and meaning come from secret messages in nature to the ancient Egyptians, the biannual equinoxes had to have meaning. The equinox is the day of the year when, all over the world, the length of day and night are perfectly equal. The Egyptians figured that this symmetry and harmony of light and darkness ought to have meaning, so they tracked the movement of the Sun on these days and found that the shadows cast by objects on the ground moved in a perfect East-West direction on the Fall Equinox and a perfect North-South direction on the Spring Equinox.

Following the principle of "As above, so below," they decided to build their burial structures according to the shadows cast by the Sun on the equinoxes, so that the pyramids, all the major ones, are aligned with the days when day and night are in perfect harmony -- the same days that also provide humans with the perfect angles of the Earth in relation to the Sun.

Constellations In The Sky Or Interdimensional Tunnels?

The other interesting specificity of the pyramids is that inside, the burial chambers are positioned perfectly beneath the nadir. There are a number of theories regarding the positioning of the pyramids. At the center of perfect east, west, north, and south, the nadir of the pyramids points to the sky. In particular, there are two theories regarding the exact direction that they are pointing, for it is reasonable to assume, given the level of meaningful detail that went into their construction, that the pyramids would point to particular constellations by design.

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On the day of the equinox, the constellation known as Orion's Belt appears in the approximate location above the Great Pyramids of Giza. It is said that, on the equinox, due to the geometric harmony of the pyramid, the soul of the pharaohs buried under the nadir will be beamed up through the triangular apparatus and enter into heaven through the chain of stars that act as a portal to the afterlife.

The other theory is similar but states that the pyramids are actually pointing to the dark part of the sky, which the stars revolve around. This dark pathway acts as a conduit for the soul and leads the spiritually cultivated Pharaohs on the journey to eternal life.

Visit The Pyramids On This Day To Uncover Their Secrets

To sum up, visitors should consider visiting the pyramids on the equinoxes, and if they have access, enter the burial chambers on these days. There are two equinoxes in a year. The Spring Equinox normally takes place around March 21, and the Fall Equinox occurs around September 23.

Next: Everything You Need To Know About Visiting Egypt's Mystical Valley Of The kings