There are quite a few destinations in the world that are extremely popular among tourists, despite being statistically dangerous. This is proof that you don’t have to avoid the most dangerous cities in Europe or anywhere else—there are ways to do them safely! Read on for a few tips on how to stay safe while traveling to dangerous destinations.

Never Give Away Your Control

The most important safety rule to abide by when traveling is to always maintain some level of control over the situation. Doing things like drinking too much, taking other substances, or getting into cars with people you don’t know can reduce the amount of control you have and put you at risk.

Although it’s especially important to be mindful of things like this in statistically dangerous countries and cities, it’s a good idea to practice this common sense, no matter where you’re traveling to. After all, some dangerous destinations are so beautiful that they don’t seem dangerous at all!

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Respect Local Norms And Avoid Standing Out

A great tip for staying safe while traveling is to avoid standing out as a tourist. Tourists are often targeted by predators because they are likely to be disorientated, not speak the language, not have a lot of contacts nearby, and possessions that are worth robbing since they are wealthy enough to be traveling.

By respecting local norms, including dress codes and laws, you are less conspicuous and have a lower risk of being targeted. As a rule of thumb, always avoid flashing any expensive items or cash, including smartphones and cameras, as these can attract thieves to you.

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Be Assertive But Not Aggressive

One of the best ways to stay safe while traveling is to be assertive but not aggressive. Sometimes, the way you carry yourself in public can be the difference between getting harassed and not getting harassed (even though in some places this will happen no matter where you are).

Aggressive behavior, such as rude gestures and eye contact, can provoke attackers to target you even more in some cultures. And in other cultures, walking timidly with your head down and a scared look on your face can make you look like an easy target to rob. In general, it’s best to find a happy medium and be assertive. Walk with confidence but don’t do anything to provoke people, including making eye contact.

Consider Traveling With A Tour Group

Although there are endless benefits of solo travel and exploring the world at your own pace, sometimes traveling with a tour group is your best bet when it comes to staying safe. If you’re visiting a particularly dangerous city, having a knowledgeable tour guide, a guaranteed form of transport and other travelers around you can make you feel a lot more comfortable.

In many cases, a tour guide will let you know what scams to look out for and what areas to avoid. They might also be able to accompany you to dangerous areas that are also points of interest, which is safer than visiting by yourself.

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Thoroughly Research The Destination Beforehand

Before traveling anywhere, it is always advisable to thoroughly research your destination beforehand. This is especially true when you’re going to visit somewhere that has a reputation for being unsafe. Doing research will let you know what areas are safe to visit and what areas to avoid. It will also alert you of any scams to watch out for and other important information, such as what type of crime is prevalent and what to do if you become a victim.

Familiarize yourself with the contact details and location of the U.S. embassy in your destination as well as the number of the local authorities and ambulance service in case of emergencies. It’s also a good idea to routinely check the U.S. Department of State website for any travel updates that apply to you.

NEXT: The Safest (And Most Dangerous) Destinations In Europe