When it comes to flying, many believe first class is the way to go. With this upgrade, there are perks such as getting to board the plane first, getting a roomier seat and maybe even getting a free drink or food. However, things are not always what they are cracked up to be, and that includes this section and these tickets.

Down below, there are 20 photos that show the cons of first-class seats: the long lines that still exist, the chairs that really may not be any bigger or comfier, the fact that there is never enough room for carry-on bags, the waiting and waiting that comes along with flying…

Yes, after looking at these pictures, some may want to skip first class altogether!

20 Still Have To Wait In Long Lines

Unless a person has a private jet, they will still have to wait in the long lines at the airport like everyone else… even if they have a first-class ticket. From checking in and checking bags to going through security and lining up to board, there is a lot of waiting that comes along with flying.

19 Still Have To Get Through Security

Security is a big part, as it is stricter than ever these days. There are so many rules about what a person can and can’t be wearing and be bringing onto the plane, and there may even be questionings or pat-downs from TSA officials for anyone or everyone.

18 The Fancy Lounges Aren’t That Fancy

After getting through the long lines, people wait at their gates to board, and those with first-class tickets may get to wait in lounges. These seem mysterious and glamorous, but they sometimes look pretty basic, yet are just hidden behind a wall and accessed by coughing up more money!

17 The Drinks May Still Be Small & Expensive

Some people can’t get through all this waiting without a drink or two or three, so there are bars at airports and drink menus on most planes. However, they always seem to be pretty pricey. So even if someone has a first-class ticket, they may still be paying a pretty penny for a pretty drink.

16 Boarding Will Still Be A Nightmare

Then there is the boarding process. Those in first class are some of the first to get on, but that means they must sit in their plane seat longer. That means they must have everyone else walk by them. That means they may get hit in the head with luggage. It is a nightmare!

15 The Chairs Never Look Like They Do In Ads/On TV

On television and in advertisements, first-class seats always look amazing. They are huge, they are like their own little beds, and they seem like the perfect option. In reality, these chairs are usually pretty much identical to everyone else’s, just with a tiny bit more cushion and a tiny bit more legroom.

14 And It’s Always Impossible To Find A Spot For Carry-Ons

Another less-than-ideal part of flying is searching for a place to put a carry-on bag. There are rules about how big these bags can be, but it seems everyone pushes the rules to the limit! Those overhead bins fill up so quickly, and even first-class fliers will surely face some issues here.

13 It Is Still Pretty Cramped

Let’s face it: No airplane is ever going to full roomy enough (unless, again, a private jet is involved… and even then, who knows). These machines are marvels, and it is great that they exist. While on them, everyone (in every single seat) just needs to be glad they are getting to where they are going!

12 Especially When Everyone Is Still Boarding

As mentioned, first classers are some of the first on the plane, and this sounds nice. However, it starts to feel especially cramped when every other person is boarding the plane, along with their kids, carry-ons, purses, laptops, and pillows, all squishing up against everyone in first class.

11 There May Be Crying Babies

Someone paid more, in order to have a better seat? Well, guess what… They are not immune to the crying babies on board. Some people joke that they always get stuck next to *that* person on the plane (the one who moves a lot, takes up a lot of space, makes a lot of noise, etc.), and it can happen in first class, too.

10 A Seat May Be Next To The Restroom

Furthermore, a seat (even one of the best ones on the plane, which may have cost the most) may be next to the restroom, where lines form, from where smells emit and where germs are even more prevalent. That is not ideal for anyone… not at all.

9 And Germs Will Still Be Everywhere

Speaking of germs… They are everywhere, all the time, but think about an airplane specifically. Think about all the heads that have touched that headrest. Think about all the arms that have touched that armrest. Think about all the fingers that have touched that seatbelt and those buttons and that window.

8 The Menu May Be Bigger But May Be Expensive & Unappetizing

Each flight is different, but in first class, people may experience free food, a bigger menu or fancier meal options. However, it is a plane, so the prices will be, well, sky high! Plus, most plane food is built to last for a while, and the preservatives can make some items look pretty unappetizing.

7 The TV May Be Bigger (Or Not) & May Come With Fees

Another thing first classers may expect would be better entertainment choices. There may be a bigger television set, and it may come with more channels. However, there may be fees associated with all of this, and it is still going to be a pretty small screen, attached to the back of a seat.

6 First Class Is Not Exempt From Turbulence

The fear of flying is very real, and guess what? People who buy first-class tickets will still feel any and all turbulence that takes place and will still have to hear all the safety information, just in case and just like everyone else on board.

5 Or Free From Those Who Enjoy Going Barefoot

Everyone has seen it, whether in real life or in photos: There are people who take off their socks and shoes on planes and who seem to not realize that they are sharing this tiny space with others! This is something else that may not be escaped, just because more money was paid for a ticket.

4 Getting Luggage Will Still Be A Pain

Finally, the flight is over, but the struggles are not. Passengers move like a herd to a designated area and wait around a conveyor belt for luggage. It always takes some time, and it is never easy to grab a bag off that moving thing!

3 Finding A Ride Will Still Come With Challenges

The next step would be to get a ride, and there may be a shuttle, a cab, a limo or a friend who is going to help a person get to their final destination. But every single person is trying to get a ride at the same time, including those who were in first class.

2 Then Everyone Must Sit In All That Traffic

Don’t even get started talking about traffic. It is a huge issue, especially during certain times, especially in big cities and especially around airports, as everyone works and waits to get to where they are going… at some point. A first-class ticket can’t cure this problem!

1 Yes, First Class Is Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

To conclude, first class does sound nice, and for some, it is the only way to fly. Just think, though, when it is time to purchase a plane ticket if that high price is really worth it, based on everything that was discussed and seen here today.