One of the myths that people tend to believe about foreign foods is that many of them are modern creations. In reality, some of the most popular dishes from around the globe are actually thousands of years old. And good news for foodies with an interest in history: some of the oldest foreign dishes are super easy to make at home! Check out these popular international dishes that are actually thousands of years old.

Tamales Were Consumed By Ancient Mesoamerican Cultures

There are a lot of ‘Mexican’ foods served in the United States that are not actually eaten in Mexico, but Tamales are not one of them. These soft masa parcels are not only authentically Mexican but are also one of the oldest recipes from history still in use today.

It is believed that tamales were first prepared at some point between 8,000 and 5,000 BC. They were consumed by a range of Mesoamerican cultures including the Aztecs, the Olmecs, the Toltecs, and the Mayas. Tamales were a convenient food for soldiers or those who were traveling at a time when it was difficult to preserve dishes. They were also served at festivals and feasts, containing fillings that are no longer popular today, including flamingo and frog.

RELATED: 10 Best Mexican Dishes You Must Try

The Ancient Mesopotamians Ate Meat Pie

Meat pie is one of the foods that you have to try when you visit Australia. Most people don’t know that this quintessential Aussie favorite is actually one of the oldest recipes in history. There is evidence of meat pies having been eaten in ancient Mesopotamia, in Western Asia, on tablets that date back to around 1700 BC. In addition to a recipe for ancient meat pie, the tablets also contain recipes for stews.

The meat pies eaten in Mesopotamia are thought to have contained gizzards from fowls. These days meat pies are commonly made with beef rather than fowl, although you can get chicken pies and pies with other fillings in Australia.

Curry Can Be Traced Back To The Indus Valley Civilization

Curry is a staple in many Asian culinary traditions and one that goes back more than 4,000 years. It is believed that the word ‘curry’ actually originates from the Tamil word ‘kari’ which means sauce or gravy. It is believed that the first curry was created by the Indus Valley Civilization, which existed in the Bronze Age.

The dish was typically created by using a stone mortar and pestle to grind cumin, fennel, mustard seeds, and other spices. Rice was being cultivated in the area at the time and often served as an accompaniment to the curry, which is similar to the way curry is widely eaten now.

Pancakes Date Back To Neolithic Times

We never would have guessed that people living in Neolithic times would have enjoyed pancakes! Historians know that pancakes were consumed in the final stage of the Stone Age because the mummified corpse of Otzi the Iceman, who lived around 3,300 BC contained traces of einkorn wheat pancakes.

It is believed that for his last meal Otzi consumed alpine ibex and red deer meat with his pancakes, which are quite different toppings from the fruits and syrups that are popular today. The Ancient Greeks also consumed pancakes, which they cooked on clay griddle pans over the open fire and served with curdled milk or honey.

Meat And Vegetable Stew Dates Back 8,000 Years

Most international cuisines boast some kind of stew. As it turns out, humans have been consuming meat and vegetable stews for thousands of years, since the practice of simmering meat and liquid over the fire dates back around 8,000 years. Amazonian tribes are believed to have used mollusk shells to cook their stew, while the Scythians also had their own stew recipes.

There is also mention of stews in the Bible. From Roman cookbooks, we know that the Romans enjoyed stews prepared with fish and lamb. The French stew ragout can be traced back to the 14th century when it was mentioned in a book written by a chef.