We encounter bugs every single day, whether we see them or not. They come in several shapes and sizes, but oftentimes we consider these monsters to be pests. When you travel to other countries, they have their own unique insect life that you should look out for.

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Some are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs, while others are just passing through. They might all look a bit odd or not what you would consider a bug, but they are all easily recognizable. Keep reading to learn about ten odd bugs to be ready for when traveling.

10 Scorpionfly

These odd-looking bugs can be found all over the world and they are fairly common, but the best time to spot a few is between May and September. These insects are usually found in the underbrush that lines a forest's edge, and they feed on other dead insects.

Unlike an actual scorpion, their tails are entirely harmless and are only used as part of a mating ritual. This means you won't need to fear them if you happen to come across one on your travels, but they do make for some great pictures.

9 Peacock Spider

These spiders are about the size of the tip of your finger, so it will take a keen eye to spot one. They don't make webs and even though they are venomous, they are unable to puncture our skin with their jaws. The peacock flare is used by males to attract a female in combination with the shaking of their behind.

If the dance isn't good enough, then the female will usually eat the male, so this game of courtship can grow quite deadly. This is another bug that won't harm you, but it might be a cool thing to show to your friends when you come home after your extended vacation to Australia.

8 Brahmin Moth Caterpillar

This creepy little caterpillar turns into a beautiful moth and they can be found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Luckily, they will not hurt you in any way, shape, or form, so any sighting of these ugly buggers isn't a bad one.

Their moth form has wings that span over 7 inches, and their caterpillar state ensures they are protected from apex predators. They might look grotesque and ill-formed to us, but other animals feel exactly the same way after a quick look at these monstrosities.

7 Hercules Beetle

The males of this species have a large horn that makes them easily recognizable, but there is plenty more about this insect that is considered bizarre. For starters, they can change color to blend in with their surroundings and they can grow up to 3 inches in length.

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The horns are used for fighting to claim mates and territory, but in no way will they cause harm to humans. The worst that can happen is a scratch on your hand from one of their spiny legs. They are found in the mountain forests and lowland areas of Central and South America, so if you are planning a trip to this area then make sure to keep an eye out for them.

6 Tsetse Fly

This weird-looking fly is about the size of a housefly with a yellow and brown color scheme. These can be worrisome, as they can transmit African trypanosomiasis (or "sleeping sickness"), which is described as causing intense itching, headaches, and enlargement of your liver and spleen that can lead to death.

They can be found in thickets in Subsaharan Africa, so if you plan on traveling to this area then you might want to consider bed nets and extra insect repellent as an added precaution against these disease-carrying pests.

5 Japanese Giant Hornet

This should be an obvious bug you want to stay away from if you happen to see it, as their stinger can leave a nasty welt on your body. They are about two times the size of a normal hornet and only the females have stingers. These bugs are extremely aggressive and territorial, as well as deadly if you happen to loom too close to their nest.

The venom in the stinger sends people into an anaphylactic shock and has the ability to shut down your kidneys. One sting probably won't kill you, but if you happen upon a swarm, then luck isn't in your favor. The best thing for you to do is walk away as calmly as possible to avoid provoking them.

4 Assassin Bug

This particular bug earned its name from the way it kills its prey. They take their long pointed noses and repeatedly stab another insect until it finally dies a very painful death.

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These bugs may seem harmless, but they are known to bite humans who are unaware of their presence, so it is best if you try not to handle them in their natural habitat. They are generally found hunting on plants in Mexico, Central and South America, as well as the southern portion of the United States.

3 Devil's Flower Mantis

This mantis is well-known because of its beautiful colors and impressive size. They generally sit still for long periods of time and focus on catching insects who happen to come too close to their waiting grasp.

The best time to catch them is in the act of scaring off a predator, where they will rotate their legs in such a fashion that is used to scare them off. This bug is usually found in the southwest portion of Africa, so any array of flowers in this area should be observed if you want to catch a glimpse of one of these odd creatures.

2 Giant Walking Stick

This insect is extremely rare to see, as only three females have ever been found in the wild, but there is still a chance you might happen across one if you plan on traveling to North America, Australia, or near the Mediterranean Sea.

They look similar to tree branches or sticks and they have a knack for sitting extremely still when a predator approaches them. You should avoid handling them, as they are extremely fragile and their color can vary based on their location.

1 Brazilian Treehopper

This little insect is found all over the world and not just Brazil, but it does prefer to live in regions with tropical weather patterns. They have been around for 40 million years and they eat plants for the extent of their life.

Scientists have no idea what its crazy headgear does for it, but they assume it is some sort of predator deterrent. They won't hurt you in any way, so keep an eye open for these little bugs the next time you are on vacation.

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