We all expect our lifeguards to be on the ball and super focused. But there are times when they’re just not paying attention. Sounds scary, and it kinda is, especially when people aren’t being careful or concerned about themselves on the beach or by the pool. Perhaps they’re too busy enjoying their surroundings to remember they can’t swim.

When we put our trust in the hands of these guys and gals, we hope they take the job seriously. But what to do when they aren’t doing what they ought to be while at the pool or by the ocean? Guess we have to fend for ourselves.

Those who can’t swim well are in danger when the lifeguard is less-than up-to-speed. Perhaps these folks would be better off sunbathing than splashing around.

Check out these 10 lifeguards who are doing as little as possible while on the job. Maybe they were just caught on a bad day, but one moment of distraction is all it takes for something bad to happen.

Let’s hope they straightened out and started stepping up to the plate. The swimmers would surely appreciate the attention.

10 Posing And Not Paying Attention To The Pool

Snapping pics is fun to do, but not when you’re supposed to be watching the swimmers. Whether the pool is at the YMCA or at an unusual location, there is plenty of time for photo ops after the sun sets and the folks have gone home for the day. This pic may make for a nice memory, but the dude potentially drowning has a different perspective.

9 Burgers Before Combing The Beach

A lifeguard’s gotta eat, but filling up on a heavy lunch will weigh him down too much for safe swimming. If the shift is over, that’s one thing, but if this lifeguard is munching in his lifeguard chair, he’ll be far too bloated to run across the beach.

8 Silly Posing Vs. Saving Lives

There’s a time for silly behavior, but it’s not when a lifeguard must be on duty. Goofing around sets the mood for misbehavior, and then the lifeguards are too busy laughing to pay attention to the swimmers. They can have their fun, but not while they are on the clock.

7 The Pool’s In The Other Direction, Bro

Does this lifeguard realize where the swimmers are? He’s gazing off in the opposite direction, paying no attention to the people in the pool. It only takes a second for a swimmer to sink. This guy needs to swirl around and get his eyes on the people who rely on his protection.

6 Too Tired To Take Things Seriously

A lifeguard must be energetic and wide-eyed at all times while on duty. Dozing off while on the job is a big problem. This lifeguard is failing big time, and if the supervisor sees this sleepy situation, this lifeguard is going to have a lot of explaining to do.

5 Working Out Vs. Watching The Water

It’s important for lifeguards to maintain a strong physique, but working out while on the job isn’t the best way to get fit. When they have time off, that’s when it’s time to hit the gym or exercise outdoors. While this guy is getting ripped, someone could be caught in a riptide.

Related: 15 Steamy Pics Of Zac Efron On The Beach That Make Us All Sweat

4 Choreographing A Dangerous Dance

Lifeguards may have other interests besides saving lives, but there’s a time and a place for everything. When they are on the job, it’s not the best idea to practice a choreographed dance number, as talented as they may be. Save the moves for another time and get by the lifeguard stand.

Related: 20 Ridiculous Things People Do At Hotel Pools (But Shouldn't)

3 Sprucing Up The Seats Instead Of Sitting In Them

The chairs must be kept in good shape, but painting and such can be done during the off-hours. Not to mention, if the seat is wet and tacky, no one can use it until it is dry. These lifeguards need to put down the paintbrushes and get into lifesaving mode.

Related: 20 Beaches From Around The World That Are Dangerous AF

2 Playing Santa And Skimming Social Media

Celebrating the holiday spirit is always cheerful, but it’s probably not recommended to wear a big fuzzy hat if you’re planning to go in the water. This lifeguard can get all decked out in her Christmas gear after the day is done, but while on duty, she needs to look the part of lifeguard, not Santa’s helper.

1 Texting And Tinder

We are all hooked on our smart devices, but lifeguards can’t be distracted by social media and emails while on duty. The most important thing is the safety of the swimmers, not seeing who’s flirting on their dating app. The phone can wait, but a drowning person most certainly cannot.

Next: 10 Beaches So Gorgeous They Look Fake