Grilling seafood might seem like a practice only attempted by those who have experience and know-how, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, the two things everyone should remember when it comes to grilling any fish or seafood are this: A hot, clean grill and good, high-quality protein.

It's not impossible to grill a fantastic seafood lunch or dinner at home, nor is it impossible to do without any previous experience cooking seafood. In fact, cooking seafood can be far less complicated than many other grilled dishes. The process is fast, easy, and minimal, and it's sure to impress your family and friends this summer. With a little help from these go-to seafood options, you'll be dreaming of the ocean faster than you think.

Start Simple: Shrimp

One common gripe of grilled shrimp is that it tends to be a bit overcooked and contrary to popular belief, this is avoidable when grilling over boiling, sauteing, or frying. Unfortunately, it is a bit of a trial and error process in order to get the technique down pat. Shrimp come in several different sizes and cooking time is all dependent on this, along with the type and thickness of the marinade used.

However, one solid pro tip is this: Thanks to carry-over heat from a medium-high grill temp, shrimp will continue to cook for several minutes after being pulled from the grill, especially when placed in a metal bowl or pan.

The other good news: Unlike other meats, shrimp don't need days or hours to soak up a juicy marinade. Ten minutes is all you need to coat these babies and get them over an open flame.

Elegant And Understated: Squid

For some reason, this protein comes off as highly intimidating to most people. Once it's trimmed and cleaned, the toughest part is over! Cooking squid is also the simplest of all the seafood, as it only needs about a minute over high heat in order to cook through. If cooked any longer than this, squid can get tough and chewy, and cooking it for less time actually means a more tender bite. Grill marks are great, but a high temp will achieve those as well as full doneness. Just make sure the quality of the squid is good and you're set to go. Eat it whole and marinated or slice it into a salad!

Related: 10 Locations You Must Visit If You Love Seafood

Tips For Grilling Salmon

Salmon is a favorite but also a fish that many hate cooking due to its complications. The thing most people get wrong is failing to leave the skin on their filet - this not only keeps the fish from sticking (which is so important on the grill) but also serves as a way to prevent overcooking.

The skin will also let the cook know when it's time to flip, as it'll begin to ease away from the grill on its own. If the fish doesn't budge when you try to lift it, don't do it - that's a good way to make salmon cakes. Cook over medium heat. Still nervous? Try using a cedar plank or aluminum foil underneath.

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Skewers Are The Key To Grilled Scallops

Thankfully, scallops are another protein that cooks quickly, and another option that home cooks should not be fearful of. It's very easy to overcook them, but the use of some skewers can help prevent that. How? By ensuring even, balanced cooking.

Jumbo (sea) scallops are the best for grilling and need only three minutes or so per side. Once grill marks appear, it's time to flip - use two skewers instead of just one in order to flip the scallops more easily.

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