When traveling internationally, there are always benefits to learning the local language of your destination. Some foreign languages are easy for English-speakers to learn, while others take a lot of effort and practice. But whatever the language, learning a few key phrases will always earn the respect of the locals you meet. And luckily, there are a few ways that anyone can learn a foreign language fast. Keep reading to find out what countries will be much easier to visit if you learn the language!

The French Appreciate Those Who Make The Effort To Learn The Language

One of the biggest etiquette tips to know before traveling to France is to learn a little French. French locals, particularly in Paris, have a reputation for being unfriendly or stand-offish to tourists, but you’ll find that you’ll be welcomed with open arms if you don’t repeat the same mistakes that the majority of tourists do. Understandably, locals are sick of the floods of tourists who arrive in the country expecting that local shop assistants and servers speak English.

Many French people do speak English, especially in touristy areas. But assuming this is a little bold. It’s simply politer to at least say a few phrases in French as a courtesy when conversing with a French local, before eventually resuming the conversation in English.

Communicating In Russia Is Easier If You Speak Russian

Russia is the type of destination where you should make the effort to learn some of the local language. Like many other countries in Eastern Europe, Russia is the type of destination where English is not commonly spoken. If you don’t speak some Russian, it’s highly likely that you’ll run into barriers, especially when traveling outside the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

When it comes to speaking Russian like a pro, it’s a good idea to become familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet. This will help you to read road directions and other signs displayed in public.

In Italy, You’ll Be Perceived As Arrogant If You Don’t Know A Few Italian Phrases

Generally speaking, Italians are similar to the French in that they tend to be more welcoming of foreigners when they make the effort to learn a little Italian. Italy, like France, is a major tourist destination and is swarmed with travelers all year round, so locals, justifiably, have less patience than they do in other destinations that are less popular. If you don’t learn at least a little Italian, you’ll probably be perceived to be arrogant.

There are a few key Italian phrases that every traveler should learn, and these will help you to communicate in Italy and earn the respect of the locals you interact with. In the more remote parts of Italy, you’ll find that locals really don’t understand English, so learning these phrases will be a necessity and not just a courtesy.

You’ll Stand Out From Other Tourists In Turkey If You Speak Turkish

A great number of tourists who travel to Istanbul don’t bother to learn any Turkish. Although those working in customer service in Istanbul do often speak some English, it will definitely be appreciated if you know some Turkish phrases. This is a great way to stand out from the crowd!

If you’re planning on traveling outside Istanbul, then knowing some Turkish will help you a lot. Outside the major city, the majority of Turkish people don’t speak English, owing to the fact that the language is hard for them to learn because it’s so different from their mother tongue.

Locals In Japan Will Be Grateful If You Speak Some Japanese

Learning some Japanese before traveling to Japan will always make your trip run much more smoothly. Although locals do tend to speak some English, many are actually too shy to put this into practice because they fear making mistakes. So it’s always more comfortable for Japanese people for the conversation to be in Japanese and they’ll greatly appreciate foreigners making the effort to learn some Japanese.

Japanese has a reputation for being difficult to learn, but there are tons of apps on the market these days that will make it as easy as possible.