Some say that flying is their favorite part of traveling, while others may disagree, given that the height of the plane, the noises it makes, and just the fact that you are in a very heavy piece of machinery is enough reason for some to avoid planes altogether. However, the giant metal birds are one of the safest ways to travel, and scientists say that it is more likely to be in a car accident on the way to the airport. Planes are only rated to be so safe because of the many precautions they take. However, some rules can be pretty silly. Here are ten weird airline rules that you may have ever known existed.

10 10. Body Odour Must Be Controlled

Yes, this is an actual rule. There are a handful of American airlines that have the right to kick a passenger off the plane if they have a strong smell to them. In January of 2019, a family was kicked off a plane for having bad body odor. The family was furious, saying that they truly believed that it was because of their religion. Many people do not agree with this rule, but American Airlines stated that it was only after several complaints that they made the final decision. Do you think this is right?

9 9. Human Remains Are Technically Allowed in Carry-Ons

Now, when we say human remains, it's not what you're picturing... at all. Although, you are allowed to bring your deceased loved ones on a plane with you as long as they are cremated and in a proper container. Despite the fact that people have been wearing ashes from their loved ones in jewelry for a very long time, bringing an urn on a flight is a little different. You can check the cremated remains with some airlines (such as Delta Airlines) will allow it, but you can also bring them as a carry-on; there are even temporary urns you can buy that are airplane safe.

8 8. No Shoes, No Shirt... Get Off!

"No shoes, no shirt, no service" is a very popular mantra with many establishments all over the world; what makes people think that airplanes are any different? The least you can do is properly clothe yourself, if not for your sake, but for the comfort of other passengers. Airlines reserve the right to kick anyone off who is not deemed appropriately clothed, even though sometimes they can take it to the extreme; ask Emily O'Connor (above).

7 7. The Flat Tire Rule

This one is a little more common than the other rules on this list, and also makes a little more sense. The flat tire rule is a rule put in place to help passengers who may have missed their plane. Ground crew are required by many airlines to help passengers find new flights at no extra cost, even though in movies ground crew are often portrayed as unhelpful and rude. The flat tire rule is usually a small fee, but nothing like buying a new ticket and it's also only applicable if you are four hours late or less. Otherwise, your time has run out.

6 6. Flight Attendants Must Not Declare Someone As 'Dead'

It doesn't happen very often, but there have been incidents where people have passed away mid-flight. Even though a person may be clearly dead on a plane, it is not up to a flight attendant to declare the person dead, for legal reasons. However, the corpse is supposed to be moved either to an empty row, or in the past, to the lavatory. Of course, in an emergency, a doctor, nurse, or healthcare professional will be called for, but if a person is found dead, there really isn't much to do but hope that there is a free row somewhere.

5 5. Canned Food Regulations on Airlines

This is a bit of an older rule and the stigma on it has changed since it first came into effect, but some airlines do not allow canned foods in a carry-on. According to the TSA (Transportation Security Administration), you are technically allowed to bring canned foods, but there are many rules and regulations that must be followed, such as making sure that (if you are leaving or entering another country) the food you are bringing is actually allowed, as quality and contamination control at borders is very important.

4 4. The UK's Regulation of Large Electronics on Certain Flights

In 2017, the UK changed their rules and regulations of large electronics (laptops, some phones, and tablets), banning them from carry on luggage when going to certain countries in the East. Any electronic device that measures any larger than 16 cm by 9.3 cm by 1.5cm are restricted and cannot be brought onto flights from the UK to countries including Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Tunisia. This is all despite the fact that, in 2013, most flights around the world allowed large electronics on planes. There was at one point, though, an electronics ban in the US, in 2017.

3 3. Male Flight Attendants Cannot Wear Makeup

Since the first official commercial flight, flight attendants had to be impeccably dressed, with many weight, fashion, and height requirements being present since the very beginning. Fashion is changing and people have become much more open and accepting towards seeing a grown man wearing makeup and looking good while wearing it. Male flight attendants, though, are not permitted to wear makeup, even though it is mandatory for women, something that is finally starting to disappear.

2 2. Prohibited Items Do Not Always Have To Be Confiscated

You turn up at the airport, ready to go with your bags packed, only to get to security and be told that you have something in your carry on that cannot be brought on the plane. Of course, you automatically think that you must go on, leaving the prohibited item behind. The thing is, though, you don't. There are ways around leaving your stuff behind when traveling. Most airports have an on-site post office where you can bring the item, or you can give it to the friend that may have said good-bye just moments ago.

1 1. You Can Be Kicked Off for Being Too Big

Just like being kicked off a plane for having bad body odor, this is an extremely embarrassing situation to be in. Apparently, there are rules stating that if you are two inches too big for your seat (even though many airlines have seatbelt extenders), you cannot board the plane. After his seat neighbor complained about his size, an American man was kicked off an American Airlines flight for being too big. Airlines recommend larger customers buy two seats, but this is hardly an ideal (or always fair) scenario.