The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most popular rainforests in the world and that is due to many things. These things include the animals and plants inside it and the unknown things that lie within the depths of the undiscovered parts of the rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest is so large and dense that there are things that are lurking inside the rainforest that have never been discovered. Some of the things that have been discovered are otherworldly. These things include frogs that skin can be seen through all the way to life-threatening ants known as bullet ants.

With the large amounts of deforestation happening within the Amazon Rainforest these creatures are becoming discovered along with other things that lie deeper in the Amazon Rainforest. Many speculate that in a century or two the Amazon Rainforest may no longer be around for us to enjoy and speculate about. The acts of illegal deforestation should be stopped before the whole rainforest is gone. The Amazon Rainforest is such a unique place on Earth that we wouldn't want it going anywhere anytime soon.

25 The Basket Cocoon

This beautiful little-handcrafted cocoon looks like it is a miniature wicker chair and no matter how comfy it looks sadly it is too small for us humans. The Basket Cocoon was made by the urodid moth and is a place where its young can be raised until they are self-sufficient enough. The string that hangs down from the branch where the cocoon hangs can be as long as a foot. This helps the larva inside the cocoon from being easily accessible to predators like ants or other insects roaming the Amazon Rainforest floor.

24 Lithops Julii

These strange creatures are known as Lithops Julii but are also known as living stones and pebble plants. These strange stones can be found gathering around other rocks but stand out due to their strange shape and colors. Lithops Julii is actually a flower who takes on the disguise of stone to avoid being eaten by predators. The strange creature was first discovered by William John Burchell in Africa when he stumbled across a strange looking pebble. It turns out it wasn't a pebble at all!

23 Bullet Ants

Bullet Ants are known to be a type of ant that you don't want to encounter. This is because it isn't only large but has a very dangerous bite. The nickname of 'bullet ant' comes from the fact that the ant's bite feels like you've just been shot by a bullet. That isn't the worst of it as the pain from the bullet ant bite can last up to a few days. If you encounter a bullet ant then it isn't likely you will be able to swat it off in time as they are a very defensive creature. This is a great reason to stay out of the Amazon Rainforest.

22 A 'Spaghetti' Passion Flower

Many have tried the passion fruit and have enjoyed the juice that comes from the fruit. However, to see it growing in the wild is a totally different experience as you may not fully recognize it at first. The fruit grows into the same shape and looks like a flower. The vine itself can reach to be 20 feet high and feature spaghetti like petals. It is amazing to look at but we'd recommend sticking to the store bought passion fruits instead of trying to harvest one off of one of these massive vines in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest.

21 A Potoo

These strange birds can be found along the branches of different trees around the Amazon Rainforest. They are known as Potoo's and will take on a lifeless stance as if they are simply part of the tree. This camouflage is used to help the creature stay away from predators. It works so well that it can be hard even for us humans to spot them and grab a quick photo. The Potoo takes on this dead state for all of the day until nightfall where they are usually seen going out and catching insects for food.

20 The Pitcher Plant

The Pitcher Plant is unlike most plants we know because it is a danger to other animals and bugs within the rainforest. The reason the plant is called the Pitcher Plant is that the shape of the plant resembles a pitcher. Not only that but inside the pitcher is a liquid that is used to attract prey within the plant where it then proceeds to trap and eat its food. The plant has also been used as a cup for animals like monkeys to drink rainwater out of that has accumulated after bad weather.

19 Spider-Shaped Decoys

The Decoy Spider was only discovered recently and it has actions that make it very unique in the spider community and in the Amazon Rainforest in general. The Decoy Spider will build its web like any other ordinary spider but instead of stopping there it will collect things and make a larger spider figure to fend off predators. The actual spider who builds the nest is no bigger than 5 millimeters (0.1 inches). This would in turn also turn away the possibility of prey landing in the nest but scientists are still trying to figure out the ins and outs of the decoy spider.

18 The Kinkajou

At first glance, the Kinkajou is a very cute creature with big black eyes and large circular ears like a teddy bear. Not only that but it is super furry and looks soft and cuddly. That is something you can't say about much in the Amazon Rainforest but for the Kinkajou's case, it is different. There isn't really anything threatening to humans about it so it is just as nice as it is cute looking. The Kinkajou mostly only eats fruits and hangs around in trees all day thanks to the help of its long tail.

17 A Boiling River

Only the Amazon Rainforest could be home to something as amazing as the Boiling River. The river can reach record temperatures of 93 degrees Celsius (200 °Fahrenheit) which means you won't want to take a wrong step and fall into this river! As with these very warm temperatures the area is constantly surrounded by steam making it hard to see when crossing over the river. The cause of this natural phenomenon is believed to be that of a drilling accident in which a drill struck a geothermal system that released these hot temps into the water. However, the locals believe it to be a place of extreme power.

16 Vanzolini Bald-faced Saki

The creature known as the saki monkey has been known to be extinct for around 80 years but with numerous sightings of the monkeys being seen in the Amazon Rainforest, there have been many researchers who believed they still exist. A lead researcher known as Laura Marsh led a large group on a month-long expedition to prove the existence of the saki monkey. To be more specific they uncovered the existence of the Vanzolini bald-faced saki which is a type of saki monkey in which it has the same qualities of the saki monkey like the shaggy hair and golden arms.

15 Ancient Geoglyphs

We have talked a lot about strange plants and animals that roam the Amazon Rainforest but taking a step back and looking at the actual rainforest itself reveals some interesting details. There have been over 300 geoglyphs uncovered on the Amazon Rainforest floor. Many have speculated that they were originally conceived by ancient tribes who lived on the land around 700 years ago. Even if this is true we don't have any clue as to what these designs mean and it is likely the truth won't be uncovered for some time.

14 The Heliconia Flower

The Heliconia flower or Heliconia Latispatha is better known for its nickname of 'the lobster claw'. The plant can range anywhere from 1 foot to 15 feet long. The lobster claw flower has very distinct colors like a bright red and yellow that make it stand out from the rest of the forest which is mostly different shades of green. The flower thrives in the more humid and warm parts of the world making the Amazon Rainforest a perfect place for the flower to grow and thrive. Not only that but it gives back to the rainforest inhabitants with nectar filling its petals.

13 Solar Halos

With an already strange history and background behind the Amazon Rainforest, the presence of these Solar Halos is anything but unexpected. These Sola Halos that are formed in the sky have been seen many times from people in and near the Amazon Rainforest. Scientists believe the Halos are caused by reflection of the sun's beam onto ice crystals in cirrus clouds which is a common occurrence in the clouds over the Amazon Rainforest. This occurrence is even rarer than a rainbow so make sure to keep a lookout if you visit the Amazon Rainforest.

12 The Puss Caterpillar

The Puss Caterpillar looks like many things from far away. To some, it looks like a toupe that has flown off of some poor soul's head. To others, it resembles that of a brightly colored fruit. The Puss Caterpillar is a small furry caterpillar that is the larva of the flannel moth. The Puss Caterpillar looks very friendly and soft to pick up but be warned that the individual hairs on the caterpillar are poisonous and can harm humans. If you see one of these things in the Amazon Rainforest it would be best to keep your distance.

11 Victoria Amazonica

So far the Amazon Rainforest has shown some pretty spectacular creatures and these large lily pads are no exception. These larger than life lilies are known as Victoria Amazonica and were named after Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. The plants can reach to be 9 feet in diameter making them some of the largest lily pads in the world. The pads are also very heavy making it easy for someone to step on it and even lay down on one. However, it is worth noting that the pads have their own built-in protection in the way of small thorns.

10 A Peanut Head Bug

The Peanut Head Bug gets its nickname from the fact that it has a large protrusion that is erupting from its head. The shape of this protrusion resembles that of a peanut. The reason for this strange appearance is that the head of the Peanut Head Bug resembles that of a lizard to many predators making them look the other way. Other than that wise defense system the bug is fairly large and can't maneuver around that well. It is lucky it has this type of protection otherwise it wouldn't fare well in the wild.

9 The Glass Frog

At surface value, the Glass Frog looks like any ordinary frog you would find in a rainforest. However, if you take a look at its abdomen then you can see past the frog's skin and into its body. This is where the nickname Glass Frog comes as the skin on the bottom of the Glass Frog resembles the transparency of glass. The frog isn't very large only stretching to be around 2.5-7.5 centimeters or 1.2 to 3 inches and it is mostly able to blend in with the saturated greens of the Amazon Rainforest.

8 The Jesus Lizard

While the idea of a bug walking on water doesn't sound that strange, a full-blown lizard that can walk on water seems a bit odd. This lizard nicknamed the 'Jesus Lizard' can walk on water to help it catch its prey. While this sounds amazing the science behind it makes the lizard only able to walk on the water for up to 20 meters but that is still amazing! This lizard lives near small bodies of water where it will try and catch bugs that fly above the pond. It can also swim when it isn't defying physics.

7 The Pink Dolphin

The Pink Dolphin is one of the most popular residents of the Amazon Rainforest and that is because of their saturated pink skin. The pink dolphin's skin is still an unanswered phenomenon to most scientists who have studied the creature. Most theories point back to the fact that the blood capillaries within the dolphin are located closer to the surface of the dolphin giving it the pink hue. The dolphin can reach the size of a full grown adult man which is amazing when put into perspective!

6 The Walking Palms

If you've ever seen The Lord of the Rings then this next entry may be recognizable and even a bit scary when you think too much about it. In the Amazon Rainforest, there is a type of tree known as the Walking Palms which is a large tree that has roots that come out of the ground several feet up before reaching a point into an actual tree. There are several theories that support the fact that these trees are able to slowly walk through the forest due to the growth of new roots and the decay of older ones.