The Hilton hotel chain is the brainchild of hotel mogul Conrad Hilton and it has been the bread and butter of the Hilton clan ever since. It's gained popularity over the years and is known for its luxury and comfort. Basically, the perfect spot for a weekend getaway.

The workers, however, might disagree with you. Hotel workers already work long, unforgiving hours to keep guests comfortable and happy throughout their stay. But at the Hilton, things are even more serious.

If you ever had an inkling that you wanted to work at the Hilton, the workers have a specific set of rules that they need to follow that may have you running for the hills.

Here are twenty rules that Hilton employees need to follow.

20 No Political Involvement

If you're politically minded and want to support your chosen party, then you may run into a few problems with the Hilton. The Hilton doesn't allow employees to use their position as employees or use the Hilton's resources to get politically involved. You also can't participate in any political rallies or gatherings on the Hilton's time.

19 Work For Free, If Necessary

All workplaces have busier periods than others. However, Hilton has had experience with not handling these busy periods too well. An employee at Hilton Toronto complained about how employees were swamped with so much work that they were forced to skip their lunch breaks and even work for free after their shifts!

18 Don't Engage With Competition

Hotels are constantly in competition for most guests, best business deals and ways to continue expanding. However, as a Hilton employee, you can't engage with competitors in any way, shape or form. Any information related to prices, finances, and other confidential matters cannot be shared with competitors.

17 Don't Use Your Position For Financial Gain

Hilton employees meet a wide variety of people, including business people and well-connected people. However, don't expect that your job will help your side hustle grow into a million-dollar business! You can't use your position for any sort of financial gain, including networking and using unauthorized Hilton money to travel.

16 Hilton Hotel-Not Always Anonymous

On a slightly positive note, employees are encouraged to report any concerns or suspicious behavior to the Hilton Hotline. However, there is no guarantee that your name won't be released. In certain countries, the hotline limits what can be reported to the hotline, as well as whether you can remain anonymous.

15 Keep Private Matters On The Down Low

As a Hilton employee, an inability to keep secrets is frowned upon. Any third party information about business partners, guests or marketing strategies is to be kept strictly on the down-low. So, for your job's sake, that selfie you managed to snag with Jennifer Lopez had better not show up on your Instagram!

14 Don't Speak FOR The Hilton!

Being eager and zealous are good traits for any employee to have. However, that could get you in hot water. As a Hilton employee, you can't comment on the Hilton's behalf or disclose any private information in the Hilton's name. No matter how excited you are, unless you're authorized, you can't act as the hotel's megaphone!

13 Bribes- Don't Accept them!

Hilton employees need to be people-pleasers and make sure that the guests are comfortable and satisfied. However, those lines get blurred if someone offers you $1000 in cash for the penthouse suite! Hilton employees can't accept bribes of any kind. It is also against the rules to bribe other people.

12 Don't Become Indebted To Those Who Might Harm The Hilton

If you made the previous mistake of accepting a bribe and, suddenly, you're in debt to one of the Hilton's competitors, then you're in trouble! Employees are not allowed to borrow money or become indebted to any third party that the Hilton is trying to do business with or is in competition with.

11 Don't Bring Prior Job Methods Into Your Current Job

So much for knowledge being power! If your former employer had some perfect strategies that would help with efficiency and work, unfortunately, you can't voice them. Employers are not allowed to implement confidential information or job methods from another employer. In fact, upon hiring, you need to disclose that you don't have any such knowledge.

10 Health And Safety!

Health and safety is the be-all, end-all for Hilton employees. If you're prone to being a little messy or if you're the kind to let a few messes slide, then you might get in trouble. As a Hilton employee, you have to know health laws backward and forwards and implement regulations accordingly.

9 No Retaliation Or Revenge

It is a scary and hurtful experience to be wrongly accused of something. However, any acts of retaliation or revenge are strictly prohibited. You might be prone to a Hulk meltdown, but that won't save your job.

8 Don't Reply To Reviews (Unless Authorized)

Free speech isn't always free at the Hilton. If you come across a false review or false information about the Hilton, you are not to put in your two cents. No matter how good your intentions are, unless you have the proper authorization, you aren't allowed to respond.

7 Be Careful With Social Media

Using social media can be risky business as a Hilton employee. You can't use your social media to harass, express dissatisfaction about or be unpleasant to guests or fellow employees. Also, if you absolutely need to mention the Hilton, be transparent and disclose your employee status.

6 Protect The Hilton's Assets

As a Hilton employee, you need to unleash your inner Batman! You have to take that extra step and protect the hotel's assets. That doesn't just mean physical stuff, like credit cards and the hotel infrastructure, but also the hotel's technology and intellectual property.

5 Nepotism Is A No-No

All of us ask our family and friends to hook us up with a job! However, as a Hilton employee, you can't return the favor. You aren't allowed to use your position to get your loved ones hired. You also aren't allowed to use your position to provide friends or family with special benefits.

4 Provide Accurate Information To Authorities

Being approached by the law can be an intimidating experience. However, staying silent may not be an option. If you are working for the Hilton, you have an obligation to provide accurate information to the authorities. Start getting ready for your NCIS moment!

3 Save The Planet!

The Hilton is strongly committed to making a positive impact on the environment, including disposing of hazardous waste properly, reducing overall waste and reducing water consumption. You need to be extremely knowledgeable about environmental laws and implement them every moment you can.

2 Report Suspicious Behaviour

Hotel employees come in contact with everyone and anyone! However, despite having to be a good secret keeper, you have a duty to the hotel to report any shady characters or suspicious behavior that you come across. If an investigation happens, then you may get your CSI moment, whether you like it or not.

1 Follow Trade Agreements And Protocols

Even a hotel has to follow trade agreements and sanctions in the business decisions that they carry out. This can get messy when dealing with companies outside of the US. As a Hilton employee, you need to be aware of worldwide trade agreements and embargos, as well as the Hilton's business partners.