Ah, New York City. The Big Apple. Home to the Statue of Liberty, Time Square, Central Park, and so much more.

It's home to over eight million people and they're all in a hurry to get somewhere. Thanks to constant traffic in the streets, millions of New Yorkers take the subway to get to and from wherever they need to go. With the subway being the easiest and cost-effective option, many travelers see some strange things under the streets of New York.

Essentially, whatever one would put in their car to get somewhere now needs to be carried in a subway. Because of this, passengers can see the strangest of animals, costumes, behavior, and even furniture.

Thanks to everyone's phones having cameras, we see the best and weirdest of New York's subway system. It may not always run smoothly or on time but it does offer oodles of unintentional entertainment.

20 How Did They Get All Those Balloons In There Without The Doors Closing?

If you don't have a car and have a party to decorate, then a subway is the best option. However, transporting hundreds of balloons is quite questionable. For starters, how did this person even get that many balloons into a subway before the doors shut? And where would the other commuters get in if an entire cart is filled with balloons!?

19 Ravens Do Not Belong In The Subway

This young woman looks like she's seen better days. However, by the looks of her, if she was going to have one pet in this world, it would most definitely be a raven or crow. Despite the possible attachment this woman has to her feathered friend, a subway is no place for a beautiful creature like this.

18 Want A Pizza Like This?

This image flooded the Internet when it happened. There's nothing more exciting than a fresh box of pizza. Trying not to eat a piece while commuting takes a lot of strength. Sadly for this woman, she must have had one heck of a day because as she dozed off on the subway, so did her pizza... There's no coming back from this one.

17 Happy Thanksgiving!

You'll see a lot of people dressed up around the holidays. What you won't see too much of is those people carving an entire turkey on the subway... Luckily for the man dressed for the occasion, the fellow passengers seem to be entertained, which doesn't always happen on the subway.

16 This Guy Took Halloween Too Far

For every Spider-Man fan, it's probably a dream of theirs to dress like Spider-Man and hang upside down. This person clearly took their dreams and made them a reality one Halloween and chose to hang upside down on the subway. I guess doing this on the subway is the easiest and safest time to do it, but it's clear the other passengers weren't on board.

15 This Couldn't Have Waited Until She Got Off The Subway?

What is with people carving turkeys on subways?! Is this a trend I don't know about? This woman is clearly on her way to a nice dinner party, thanks to her pretty ensemble. Perhaps she promised everyone a delicious turkey but was running short on time so she had to carve it on the way there? But won't it be cold by the time she arrives at the party anyway?

14 Next Stop, Sesame Street!

Fans of the childhood TV show Sesame Street can visit it themselves at the theme park outside of Philadelphia. But why take the two-hour ride to Philly when you can hop on the subway and see your favorite characters without the pricey entrance fee! Side note, this group seems like a dedicated and fun time.

13 The Only Rodent Allowed On The Subway

In all my years of life, I have never seen a guinea pig on a leash. I wasn't event sure leashes and collars were made for guinea pigs. Knowing how small and fragile they are, it's surprising this man even made this possible. To save this little guy from being trampled on, this man probably should have placed him in a takeaway cage.

12 What Do You Do When There Are No Seats Available?

I take that back. There are at least three seats open right in front of this man that we can see. Is he doing this to show off his flexibility or does he genuinely not like subway seats? The least he could do is simply stand there like a human being instead of hanging around like an acrobat. It's actually quite dangerous for him and the other passengers.

11 What World Are We In!?

I want to say this is for Halloween but if you take a look around, no one else is dressed up in costume. And considering that New York City is home to millions of people, the odds of having at least one other person dressed up is high. So, if this isn't Halloween, then this man must really be from Avatar.

10 When The Subway Becomes The Ocean

If this image doesn't make you sad, you need to take a hard look at yourself. This poor shark was obviously mistreated and handled for it to be lying dead in a New York subway. To make matters worse, this image has made its way around the Internet where people started taking pictures with it and adding props to the poor shark to make it funny.

9 There's No Way This Ended Well

Let's point out everything wrong with this scene, shall we? There is a man with a suitcase with massive, fake cash in his suitcase. He's holding a massive snake around his body. Oh, and there's another huge snake chilling next to him on the railing. And let's not forget these snakes deserve to be in a jungle, not the New York Subway where they and the people around them can get hurt.

8 When Large Dogs Aren't Allowed On The Subway

A few years ago, the New York City subway made a rule where dogs that were too big to fit in your bag were too big to ride the subway. Well, since millions of dog owners take the subway with their dogs to run errands and take them on walks, this rule affected many people (and dogs). To troll the subway, people started putting their massive dogs in bags to prove that they too can be "bag dogs."

7 A Free Concert

New York City is filled with amazing talent. Street performers can be found around every corner. From dancers to singers to musicians to artists, New York City brings the creative side out of everyone. Here, we see a man playing his violin on the subway where he decided to make this little baby his number one fan!

6 Everyone's Looking For Their Own Knight In Shining Armour

Like the image above, with so much talent in New York, you're bound to see people dressing for the part at least once. This man could have been auditioning for the part of a knight in shining armor for all we know! But is it weird to see a knight riding the New York City subway instead of a radiant steed? You bet.

5 When It's Not A Kid But Not A Dog...

From a quick glance, it looks like this person is carrying a child wearing a mask. At another glance, you change your mind and think the person is carrying their dog (who they also dressed like a kid). But after a closer look, you realize it's not a child or a dog... It's a doll? A monster? I'm honestly not sure what this is or why it's matching their owner!

4 When Gaming Is Life

I had no idea it was possible to set up a gaming console on a New York City subway. I also had no idea a person would be on a subway long enough to even enjoy the game. What happens when people enter the subway in a rush or need space to stand? Couldn't this man's gaming obsession wait for at least five stops?

3 Nope!

Doesn't this... thing... look like the devilish creature in Riverdale!? With those red eyes and long fingernails, this is one costume that's instantly giving us the nope factor. Never have I ever wanted to escape so bad until I saw this situation. How this man sitting in front of this creature is able to remain calm is beyond me.

2 Plant Man?

I'm trying to think of a character that identifies with this man but I can't come up with one! Who has a plant for a head and is dressed in a beige suit? And how can this man see what he's even texting on his phone!? The plant is also pretty tall, so I can imagine him needing to duck his head every time he entered a New York building.

1 The Comfiest Subway Ride There Is

If you're moving from one apartment to the next and don't have a moving company or car, the next easiest way is to use the subway. However, bringing a couch on and off the subway is not easy to do. With so many people hopping on and off, it can be impossible to get this thing in without hitting someone. And Lord knows how he got this couch back up those subway stairs!