Throughout Canada and the United States, there are numerous areas that are quite strange or totally unexplainable. These bizarre places have sparked curiosity in thousand of travelers who have made their way just to see them. All across North America, you can find a number of museums, parks, lakes and entire towns that have people scratching their heads in confusion.

In British Columbia, Canada, you can find the Spotted Lake, a lake that uncovers hundreds of huge briny pools, leaving polka dots of yellow, green and blue spots when water begins to evaporate from the lake during the warmer months. In Vulcan, Alberta, or better known as the "Official Star Trek Capital of Canada," you can spot residents dressed as Klingons from "Star Trek" buying groceries and a building made to look like a landed space station. Let's also not forget to mention the museum dedicated to gophers dressed as everyday people in the area of Torrington, Alberta.

In the U.S., you can find a plethora of strange places that actually exist as well. From a museum dedicated to hair to a mystery house with staircases and doors that lead to nowhere, you can actually travel to these places and check them out for yourself. Here we've listed 15 strange places that exist in Canada and 10 that exist in the U.S. You'll be shocked to learn these outlandish and far-out places are real.

25 Spotted Lake, Osoyoos, British Columbia

The spotted lake in Osoyoos, British Columbia is a true mystery. According to Mother Nature Network, during the winter and spring seasons, this lake in Okanagan Valley looks just like any body of water, but when the water begins to evaporate during the summer, hundreds of "huge briny pools are left behind, leaving a polka-dot landscape of yellow, green and blue spots." The CBC calls this lake, "the most magical place in Canada." So how do these spots form? "The colorful pools are the result of a high concentration of minerals, including calcium, sodium sulphates and magnesium sulphate that have collected in the water," Mother Nature Network reports.

24 Pingualuit Crater Lake, Pingualuit Provincial Park, Northern Quebec

A gigantic meteoritic crater filled with stunning clear blue water lies in the center of the Ungave plateau in Nunavik, the Park national des Pingualuit. According to Nunavik Parks, the Inuit call this magnificent crater pingualuit, which means "pimple." "This humorous descriptor refers to the rippled crater head that rises to meet the immense Artic sky. Pingualuit crater offers panoramic views of the almost-lunar tundra." Nunavik has one of the best preserved meteorite crates in the world. According to The Star, "the crater was smashed into existence some 1.3 million years ago when a meteorite slammed into otherwise flat terrain, creating a perfectly circular rain catcher containing some of the world's purest waters."

23 Gopher Hole Museum, Torrington, Alberta

If you are a fan of a few oddities, you might want to stop in the Gopher Hole Museum in Torrington, Alberta. This quirky museum features stuffed gopher’s posing to resemble everyday people. The museum opened in 1996, with thousands of tourists stopping by to see this unique spot in Alberta. According to Roadside Attractions, there are 31 different dioramas that portray life in evidently gopher-infested Torrington. Some of the dioramas feature gophers getting married, a gopher dressed as a preacher, and gophers at a beauty shop.

22 Mount Thor, Auyuittuq National Park, Baffin Island, Nunavut

Auyuittuq National Park features a stunning landscape that is 85 percent rock and ice and dominated by steep and rugged mountains, vast glaciers and rivers. What stands out about this beautiful part of Canada is Mount Thor, the peak of this grand mountain is an astounding 5,495 feet, making it the earth's greatest vertical drop of 1250 meters, with a slightly overhanging rock face that averages about 15 degrees. Early European travelers who were inspired by Odin, Thor, Loki, Balder, Fridd, and Breidablik gave the name of this peak and others.

21 The Grand Gathering, St. Lawrence River, Sainte-Flavie, Quebec

The Grand Gathering is exactly what its name means – a gathering of over 100 crude wooden figures standing upright on the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. These eerie human-esque figures were part of an art project called Le Grand Rassemblement done by Canadian artist Marcel Gagnon "who began carving the crooked wood and stone people as figure studies for his paintings," reports Atlas Obscura. Gagnon placed the figures in different places so that they would appear and disappear with the tides. Most of the figures have no arms and just a face, while others are leaning over or have a hunchback, giving the art project a very creepy feeling.

20 The Sleeping Giant, Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Thunder Bay, Ontario

While standing along Thunder Bay, you may look across the way and see what appears to be a large figure sleeping. Located in Sleeping Giant Provincial Park in Ontario, the Sleeping Giant is the primary feature of this park. The park is a 94 square mile park located on the Sibley Peninsula in Northwestern Ontario, east of Thunder Bay. The eastern part of the park is lowlands while the western half is terrain composed of cliffs, valleys and the mesa-cuestas (a hill or ridge) that make up the famous and strange Sleeping Giant figure.

19 Pingos, Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories

These strange forms in the Northwest Territories of Canada are called pingos or hydrolaccolith, which are natural mounds of earth covered ice found in the Arctic and can reach 230 feet in height and up to 2,000 feet in diameter. According to Atlas Obscura, a pingo is a "periglacial landform" which are formed by ground ice which develops during the winter months as temperatures get cold. The largest pingo takes decades to form and the process to create this unique and strange natural earth mound is closely related to frost heaving. It's also known that these pingos eventually collapse and have a lifespan of 1,000 years.

18 Star Trek Capital Of Canada, Vulcan, Alberta

If you love the Star Trek, then you must make a trip to Vulcan, Alberta where you'll find Star Trek themed attractions everywhere you look. The population of the town was approximately 1,836 in 2011 and we're guessing these people don't mind the building made to look like a landed space station and a statue of the Original Series Enterprise, among other oddities related to Star Trek. The town admires Star Trek so much, it is now known as the "Official Star Trek Capital of Canada." Don't be afraid if you see a group of Klingons walking down the street or at the market because it's pretty much just an average day here.

17 Cheltenham Badlands, Ontario

In Caledon, Ontario, you'll stumble upon jaw-dropping land formations or eroded shale that has been exposed thanks to soil erosion caused by poor agricultural practices. The Cheltenham Badlands are a small example of badlands formations, which is a type of dry terrain where softer sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soils have been extensively eroded by water and wind. Here you'll find steep slopes, minimal vegetation and a lack of substantial regolith. What makes these formations quite unique are the beautiful colors. The colors of the badlands change from dark black/blue coal stria to red scoria, which you can see above.

16 Crooked Bush, Saskatchewan

These crooked trees have become a hot spot for tourist because of the unusual way these trees grew and how they remain a botanical mystery. According to Tourism Saskatchewan, these strange trees were declared one of the "54 Wonders of Canada" by CBC's "Morningside' show. This public trail tours a small cluster of aspen trees that are quite strange because instead of growing towards the sky, as most trees do, these trees have branches that twist and turn in horizontal and downward directions, giving this grove an eerie appearance.

15 Bottle Houses, Wellington, Prince Edward Island

On Prince Edward Island you'll find stunning houses made from recycled bottles with the first bottle house built in 1980 out of approximately 12,000 bottles. Rightly named The Bottle House village, you'll find a six-gabled house, tavern, chapel and gift shop made out of colorful bottles. The chapel is truly a sight to see, constructed of 10,000 bottles that create dazzling light coming into the chapel from behind the altar. According to its website, visitors will feel a sense of calmness and tranquility as they admire this work.

14  UFO Landing, St. Paul, Alberta

In the town of St. Paul you'll find the world's first UFO Landing Pad. In 1967, the landing pad was built as part of the Canadian centennial celebration. The pad weighs just over 130 tons, and the large concrete structure contains a time capsule to be opened on the 100-year anniversary in 2067. Besides this massive structure, a rounded, saucer-shaped tourist information center was opened in the 1990s and features a museum of UFO memorabilia including photographs of landing sites and crop circles. According to Atlas Obscura, some of the items on display were purchased from the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies. The organization was founded by one of the scientists who worked on the U.S. Air Force UFO study called Project Blue Book.

13 Signs, Watson Lake, Yukon

Called Sign Post Forest, this area in Watson Lake, Yukon, Canada is literally covered in signs. Putting a sign up here has become a tradition since 1942 during the Alaska Highway Project when U.S. soldier Cark K. Lindley was asked to repair and put up signposts, and when he was done, he put up a sign of his own of his hometown od Danville, Illinois. The trend of putting up signs began right after that and now there are over 77,000 different signs in the Forest. As travelers from all over the world visit, they put up their own sign and it continues to grow. So if you ever find yourself in Watson Lake, make sure to bring a sign with you!

12 Abraham Lake, Alberta

Trapped beneath Alberta's Lake Abraham are amazing frozen bubbles of methane that are quite stunning, but according to the Smithsonian, also dangerous if the bubbles are popped. While the lake looks picturesque, you don't want to be around the bubbles if they pop since they are actually pockets of methane, a highly flammable gas. So if you happen to be lighting a match near these bubbles, it can get explosive. The Smithsonian states, "methane bubbles form in bodies of water when dead organic matter falls into the water and sinks to the bottom, to the delight of bacteria waiting below. The bacteria munches on the matter and out comes methane, which turns into white floating blobs when it comes into contact with frozen water."

11 Turret Rock/Tremble Island, British Columbia

Turrent Rock is located in Slingsby Channel but has earned the name Tremble Island because of its location in the middle of the strongest current in the world, the Nakawakto Rapids, reports Slice. The water can flow about 30km/h, and it goes so fast, that the island trembles from the water that rushes by it. The current is so fast that you can tie a rope to the island and even water ski. According to Atlas Obscura, a man working as a land surveyor stayed on the island during strong currents, but the island vibrated that he was forced to lie face down, cling to the roots of bushes and even stuff grass into his ears because the noise was so loud.

10 The Great Stalacpipe Organ, Luray Caverns, Virginia

There is a beautiful organ located in a cave in Luray, Virginia, but instead of using pipes, it is wired to soft rubber mallets that gently strike the stalactites of varying lengths and thickness. It is the largest musical instrument in the world and when the keyboard is played the entire cave becomes an instrument. According to Atlas Obscura, "in order to achieve a precise musical scale, the chosen stalactites of the organ range over 3.5 acres, but due to the enclosed nature of the space, the full sound can be heard anywhere within the cavern." It is truly an astounding thing to see.

9 Mütter Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A collection of anatomical and pathological specimens, wax models, and antique medical equipment is located in the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The College of Physicians of Philadelphia with a purpose of biomedical research and education hosts the museum. There are several skeletons and over 3,000 osteological specimens at the museum. Some of the most interesting items on display here include a malignant tumor removed from President Grover Cleveland, a piece of thoracic tissue removed from John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln and a section of brain of Charles J. Guiteau, the assassin of President James A. Garfield.

8 Salem, Massachusetts

Located just 45 minutes from Boston is Salem, Massachusetts, a city known for the witch trials of 1692, where more than 200 people were accused of being witches and where 20 innocent people were actually killed. The city has embraced its history, preserving artifacts from the 1600s in the many museums and offering tons of tours for visitors who want to educate themselves on the Witch Trials. Some of the most important places to visit while here are The Witch House, the only 17th-century home that still exists in Salem and has direct ties to Witch Trials, the Salem Witch Museum, which puts on dramatic events of that time, and The Burying Point, a cemetery in Salem that contains the grave of witch trial judge John Hathorne.

7 The Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel was the must for Stephen King's The Shining and while the famous movie wasn't filmed here, the hotel has a long and history. The hotel was originally opened in 1909, by Massachusetts’s couple F.O. and Flora Stanley as a secluded grand mountain resort. Though the couple passed, there are many stories that they still lurk around the hotel and that Mr. Stanley can be heard playing the piano in the music room. According to Mapquest Travel, hauntings have supposedly occurred here since as far back as 1911 and over the years, every single room in the Stanley Hotel has experienced something strange.

6 Leila's Hair Museum, Independence, Missouri

There is no other stranger museum in the United States than Leila's Hair Museum in Independence, Missouri. The hair museum was the idea of former hairdresser Leila Cohoon who is an avid hair collector. Her hair obsession is a form of art to her, especially the intricate wreaths made of hair and set in frames. Her collection includes hundreds of framed hair, most of them over 100 years old and 2,000 pieces of jewelry some of which were worn by men and women during the Victorian period. Some of her wreaths even contain hair from famous celebrities including Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe.